street art, graffiti, abbott kinney

A New Year

It’s exam time, guys! Despite my efforts to concentrate completely on my exam preparation, I have failed to stay away and decided to come out of my holiday/post-NYE-hangover/exam hibernation.

Anyways, prompted by this thought-provoking piece “A Toast Story” about mental illness, the importance of routine, and – yes – toast, I want to show how it ties in with coffee and cake. Having become somewhat of a globetrotter (or Weltenbummler, as we call it), the constant traveling, moving, goodbyes and hellos made me much aware of a need for routine and rituals. It is easy to get caught up in the rush of newness, and the fear of everything that weighs you down, that boredom of the known. Along the way though, I feel like you lose part of what defines you, your roots so to speak. For me it is the small rituals that take me back to my sense of self, my culture and memories.

Coffee and cake definitely presents one of these rituals that bring me back to afternoons at the grandparents, the wonderful cakes and cookies made by my mother (with much creativity but little system) and the long afternoons spent talking hours and hours to friends.

Coffee and cake is the perfect occasion for much needed face-time (and not the digital kind), where you can connect with old and new friends, have stimulating conversations or just plainly exchange some good gossip.

So, I toast to more stories, more exciting coffee shops, delicious cakes and coffee!

I also want to thank people like John Gravois  who bring us interesting and heartwarming background stories, and to the passionate entrepreneurs dedicated to creating these social spaces. Happy 2015!

Feel free to leave any comments about your coffee and cake experiences and stay tuned for my next post (featuring toast).